Belly fetish stories
Chinese Navel Fetish - Story of Along
Belly fetish stories
Ok so back at June 1st, I was at the beach with several of my friends. Some of those friends include Irene, Sarah and Britney whom you may be.
Jess Age: 24. I 'm LizzaVery open-minded and a total sex fiend who will do anything that you want as long as you ask me nicely! If you are ready for a truly unique and sexually exhilarating experience then call today.I love to spend time in wonderful company and experience all the mind and body has to offer.
Description:Stimuli[ edit ] Licking the navel is one of the primary turn-ons. A navel fetishist can be sexually aroused by a variety of stimuli, including key words, thoughts or specific forms of physical interaction with the navel. Physical activity[ edit ] Some navel fetishists find physical acts involving the navel to be turn-ons. Some fetishists get a turn-on from pouring drops of champagne, honey, chocolate sauce , whipped cream , etc.
Views: 9636
Date: 2018-10-27
Favorited: 61
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