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Kevin Joseph Aloysius "Chuck" Connors (April 10, – November 10, ) was an .. , Naked Alibi, Capt. Owen Kincaide. , Target Zero, Pvt. Moose.

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Description:He was always interested in what I was doing and ready with advice, and anxious to help in any way that he could As Connors was strongly typecast for playing the firearmed rancher-turned-single-father, he then starred in several short-lived series, including: The offer turned out to be less than Connors was making doing freelance acting, so he turned it down. Two identical 44—40 Winchester model rifles, one that was used on the show and one for backup, and a Spanish version called an El Tigre used in the saddle holster. Arnold Palmer , a friend and Honorary Chairman of the annual Chuck Connors charity golf event, was given one of the personal rifles [23] by Connors and it was on display at The World Golf Hall of Fame. In and he hosted a television series called Thrill Seekers.

Views: 7185 Date: 2019-02-07 Favorited: 48 favorites

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