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Description:The Supreme King begins to panic when Axel runs towards him, revealing the duel ends in a draw, forcing the Eye of Orichalcum to free Jaden. I was only kidding. Sinister golden coloured eyes now replaced his normal brown coloured ones and he showed no signs of emotion or feeling, only a blank expression on his face. To the left side of the room, we see Megumi sitting in front of a large computer and Miki, also sitting in front of a large computer on the right side of the room. Eisenstein is sitting at one of the computers, typing in coordinates and monitoring the progress of his machine, Jaden is standing next to him, looking around the room and admiring all of the technology. The mysterious girl thought to herself, as she giggled. The Supreme King didn't really take control of me.

Views: 9550 Date: 2019-01-22 Favorited: 22 favorites

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