Kansas city strip steaks
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Strip steak - Wikipedia
Buy Kansas City Strip Steaks online at Kansas City Steak Company. Mail order strip steaks, seasoned steak and other prime beef, with expedited home delivery.
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Strip steak
Description:Is there any truth to that? I guess it's slightly implied by your last paragraph's "chef vs. Both the Kansas City strip and New York strip are literally the same thing as a "strip steak"; The particular cut of meat used is the short loin , and does not have any tenderloin. However, sources do not tend to agree on whether or not the strip steak includes a bone. It also calls out the "shell steak" as being bone-in. On the other hand, the Cook's Thesaurus singles out the shell steak as being the boneless version implying that NY strip and KC strip are bone-in.
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Date: 2018-09-22
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