Girl takes guys virginity
When a guy gets his junk handled by a girl for the first time, he gets a look on his face as if he has just seen Heaven itself. It's like that, only times more, with.
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Do girls like taking a guy's virginity?
Description:As it worked out, more by luck than judgement, it was also with the right person who I stayed with for years afterwards. Like if a guy sleeps with lots of women he tends to be celebrated by his friends, but if a women sleeps with lots of guys she tends to be degraded in our current society. If we always use condoms with the other people, is it safe for us to continue having condom-free sex with each other? Did you feel there was any pressure on you to lose it being a guy?
Views: 9612
Date: 2018-10-08
Favorited: 89
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